Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas party!

We had a wonderful Christmas party, and we want to say a big THANK YOU to all the families who were involved in any way!  The room was full of joy, laughter, and friendship. We had a spectacular time, thanks to all of the planning and preparing our families did to make it possible!  What a great way to end the month of December!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Taste treats from South Korea: seaweed and kobchi (cookies)!!!

Learning about South Korea

Thank you to Belinda and Andy Robinson teaching us about South Korea and their holiday customs! We really enjoyed learning all about South Korea and even trying their food: seaweed and kobchi (cookies)!!!
Teaching us a song in Korean!
Showing us on the world map how to travel from Iowa to South Korea!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Nutcrackers from Germany

Thank you to Pam V. for bringing in Nutcracker's to share with our class, and telling us about that special custom from Germany.  I know that the kids and I really enjoyed looking at them and learning about this custom.

Miss Bader's Mom visits

Miss Bader's Mom visited us on Thursday to help finish up special projects the kids have been working on for their families as a Christmas gift. Thank you to Judy for spending time and helping us!  We really loved having you and hope you come again!!!

Sweden and wooden shoes

We continue to learn about different countries around the world and their customs during the Holiday season.  Sparkle really enjoyed learning about Sweden/Holland and their wooden shoes customs. :-)  As you can see our classmates got to try and walk in real wooden shoes!  They decided it isn't as easy as it looks!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Holiday Concert

We loved watching the Holiday concert!  What a great show!

Making bird feeders with Ms. Holz!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Decorating Christmas cookies with the High School foods class

We also enjoyed listening to the high schooler's read to us after decorating our cookies!

The decorating process begins!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Meet Sparkle, our Elf!!!

Meet Sparkle, our Elf on the Shelf!  He loves to do silly things around the classroom.  On this day we found him practicing his focus letters, what a smart elf we have!  Sparkle watches us all day and at night, fly's to tell Santa how we are doing!  Keep watching our classroom blog to see what Sparkle will be up to next!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dear Families,
       Our school Winter Party will be on Wednesday, December 23rd   from 8:30-9:30 a.m.  There will be a grab bag gift exchange.  Please have the labeled gifts to school by Friday, December 18th.

Each girl should bring a gift labeled:
To: a girl
From: (your daughter’s name)

Each boy should bring a gift labeled:
To: a boy
From: (your son’s name) 
The cost of the gift should be about $4.00.               

Thank you!

The Kindergarten Teachers