Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas party!

We had a wonderful Christmas party, and we want to say a big THANK YOU to all the families who were involved in any way!  The room was full of joy, laughter, and friendship. We had a spectacular time, thanks to all of the planning and preparing our families did to make it possible!  What a great way to end the month of December!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Taste treats from South Korea: seaweed and kobchi (cookies)!!!

Learning about South Korea

Thank you to Belinda and Andy Robinson teaching us about South Korea and their holiday customs! We really enjoyed learning all about South Korea and even trying their food: seaweed and kobchi (cookies)!!!
Teaching us a song in Korean!
Showing us on the world map how to travel from Iowa to South Korea!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Nutcrackers from Germany

Thank you to Pam V. for bringing in Nutcracker's to share with our class, and telling us about that special custom from Germany.  I know that the kids and I really enjoyed looking at them and learning about this custom.

Miss Bader's Mom visits

Miss Bader's Mom visited us on Thursday to help finish up special projects the kids have been working on for their families as a Christmas gift. Thank you to Judy for spending time and helping us!  We really loved having you and hope you come again!!!

Sweden and wooden shoes

We continue to learn about different countries around the world and their customs during the Holiday season.  Sparkle really enjoyed learning about Sweden/Holland and their wooden shoes customs. :-)  As you can see our classmates got to try and walk in real wooden shoes!  They decided it isn't as easy as it looks!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Holiday Concert

We loved watching the Holiday concert!  What a great show!

Making bird feeders with Ms. Holz!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Decorating Christmas cookies with the High School foods class

We also enjoyed listening to the high schooler's read to us after decorating our cookies!

The decorating process begins!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Meet Sparkle, our Elf!!!

Meet Sparkle, our Elf on the Shelf!  He loves to do silly things around the classroom.  On this day we found him practicing his focus letters, what a smart elf we have!  Sparkle watches us all day and at night, fly's to tell Santa how we are doing!  Keep watching our classroom blog to see what Sparkle will be up to next!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dear Families,
       Our school Winter Party will be on Wednesday, December 23rd   from 8:30-9:30 a.m.  There will be a grab bag gift exchange.  Please have the labeled gifts to school by Friday, December 18th.

Each girl should bring a gift labeled:
To: a girl
From: (your daughter’s name)

Each boy should bring a gift labeled:
To: a boy
From: (your son’s name) 
The cost of the gift should be about $4.00.               

Thank you!

The Kindergarten Teachers  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Kindergarten families!!!  I am so grateful to be in such a great partnership with all of you and your children.  Thank you for all you do for your children and for our classroom!  We have been learning so much about the pilgrims journey over on The Mayflower.  We have seen what a pilgrim and native american village would have looked like.  Been able to see a day in the life of a pilgrim and native american family and the clothes they wore.  Ask your child what their favorite part about life long ago for the pilgrims and native americans is.
When we return from Thanksgiving break we will begin learning about Holidays Around the World.  The Holiday season is quickly approaching.  One of my favorite things to teach during the holiday season is Holidays Around the World in December.  We learn about how children and families all over the world celebrate during their holiday season and the customs that go along with them.  If you are interested in sharing a custom that you are familiar with from another country with our classroom please let me know which country, and day/time works best for you!  Some of the countries we learn about are: Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Italy, France, England, United States, etc.  If there is a country that you know a lot about that is not on this list, we would love to learn about even more countries and their customs!!!  Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for considering!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Party!

Thank you to all the families that helped at our Halloween party or provided treats!!!  We all had a spooktacular time!  Special thanks to Ashlee Snakenberg, our room Mom, for organizing everything to make our party such a success!

Monday, October 26, 2015

This week during reading time we will be comparing and contrasting using a Venn Diagram between Fiction and Halloween stories that we read.  We will continue to work on knowing what are the parts of a fiction story:  Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution.  Make sure to ask your child to show you our "Character chant!"   

During math we will continue to work on writing our numbers 0-25 and being able to show 1-1 correspondence for those numbers as well.  We will also be making shape collages to describe attributes of shapes and compare 2-d (flat) and 3-d shapes.

In Science, we are continuing to learn about and observe how the trees and seasons are changing. We are writing in our science journals about the observations we make of the trees outside.

I enjoyed getting to meet and discuss your child's progress with families last Thursday at conferences, and am excited to meet and discuss with the rest of the families tomorrow at conferences.  Thank you for being an integral part of your child's education!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wear your polka dots this Friday, October 16th!!! We are trying to win an assembly from the Pete the Cat series.  The title teachers will be entering the polka dot pants dance contest by making a music video.  One of the elements of the video is to have our kids wear polka dots and dance.  We thought since the walk a thon is Friday and we are already playing music, this would be a good chance to do both things at once.  So, we will ask kids to dress up in polka dots Friday and will video them dancing to the music as we start walking with each grade.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fire Safety and Homecoming

Hat day on Tuesday for Homecoming week!

Fire Safety day, when smoke goes up we go down to the floor!
Stop, drop, and roll!

Thank you Washington Fire Dept. for teaching us all about fire safety!

PJ and favorite stuffed animal day!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

 Fire Saftey day is next Tuesday, Oct. 6th and our very own Washington Firefighters will be coming to help us learn more about fire safety, and Homecoming is next week!!!!

Dress up days are as follows:

Monday, Oct. 5th- Mustache Day- Wear your favorite "stache" for the day!

Tuesday, Oct. 6th- Hat Day- Wear your favorite hat for the day.

Wednesday, Oct. 7th- Hero Day- Honor a hero and dress like a firefighter, policeman or military hero.

Thursday, Oct. 8th- Pajama Day- Get comfy and cozy in your favorite PJ's!  If your child would like to bring a stuffed animal too, that would be fun :-)

Friday, Oct. 9th- Spirit Day- Wear your orange and black and cheer the Demons on to VICTORY!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Welcome to our classroom blog!  Please make sure to check out the tabs above for new photos of our classroom and academic expectations.

         We have had a great first couple of weeks in Kindergarten!  Learning school wide procedures and classroom rules have been very important during our school day.  
         Our classroom rules are as follows:
  1. Be kind
  2. Be truthful
  3. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself
  4. Do your best!!!       
Our friends in our classroom have been busy learning each other’s names and using good character traits with each other everyday.  Please remind your child that listening when the teacher and other friend’s are talking is very important!
Knowing what “The Golden Rule” is was another very important lesson we learned this week.  We treat others how we want to be treatedJ
Miss Bader taught us sign language for all of our alphabet letters.  We will know how to spell our name and sight words in sign language by the end of kindergarten.  Sign language is just another way to speak to people who cannot hear us.  It is also a great way to visualize letters and sounds in our mind! Below is our silly pose for the first day of Kindergarten! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

                                               Our first day of Kindergarten!!!!

                               Observing our "adopted" tree during science time outside our classroom!!!